Marriott 1-800 Phone Number – Customer Service Contacts

Marriott 1-800 Phone Number

Customer Service & Contact: 1 800 Marriott Phone Numbers.

USA & Canada Reservations: 1-888-236-2427 (including Rewards Members)

Customer Support: 1-801-468-4000

Internet Customer Care: (USA & Canada) 1-800-721-7033

Group & Event Planning: (USA & Canada) 1-800-831-4004 toll-free

More Information:

Rewards Reservations: 1-800-MARRIOTT:1-800-952-2027
8:15am – 9:00pm, Monday – Friday, US Eastern time

Rewards Program Guest Services: (801) 468-4000

The Ritz-Carlton Rewards: (866) 922-6882

Rewards Program:1-800-493-3278

More Information:

For Gaylord Hotel reservations: 1 877 382 7299

International Reservation Numbers

Andorra: 0800 22 1222

Antigua & Barbuda: 1 800 986 2313

Argentina: 0800 444 9846

Aruba: 800-1525

Australia: 1 800 251259

Austria: 0800 296703

Bahamas: 1 800 956 5620

Bahrain: 800 00 724

Barbados: 1 800 228 9290

Belgium: 0800 18222

Bermuda: 001 800 228 9290

Bolivia: 800 100338

Brazil: 0800 703 1512

São Paulo – Toll 11 3069 2807

Canada: 1 888 236 2427

French – Toll-free 1 866 580 6279

Cayman Islands: 1 800 228 9290

Chile: 123 00208067

China: 400 830 0251

Hong Kong SAR – Toll-free 80 096 2509

Macau SAR 0800 029

Colombia: 01800 9520356

Costa Rica: 0 800 052 1390

Czech Republic: +800 2289 2900

Denmark: 800 10422

Dominica: 1 800 986 2410

Dominican Republic: 1 800 956 5620

Ecuador: 1 800 010330

Egypt: 0800 0000 070

El Salvador: 800 6297

Finland: 0800 114436

France: 00800 1927 1927

Germany: 00800 1927 1927

Elite – Toll-free 0800 1 821 368

Greece: 00800 44127686

Guatemala: 800 835 0066

Haiti: 1 800 228 9290: 1 800 835 0066

Honduras: 800 2791 9043

Hungary: 06800 11998

India: 18001025000

Gurgaon – Toll 117800 43 26626

Indonesia: 180 360 6278

Ireland: 1 800 409929

Israel Golden Lines 1 80 943 8662

Barak 013 800 2886 4727

Bezeq 014 800 2886 4727

Italy: 800 876022

Jamaica: 1 800 963 2454: 876-960-0600/2

Japan: 0120 142 536

Tokyo – Toll 81 3 54051511

Jordan: 0800 22437

Kuwait: 6632 9999

Lebanon Country Code 01426801; + AT&T 8004326626

Luxembourg: 8002 2162

Malaysia: 1 800 807706

Mexico: 01 800 561 4756

Morocco Country Code 002110011; + AT&T 8004326626

Netherlands: 0800 0220122

Netherlands Antilles: 1 800 228 9290

New Zealand: 0800 264 333: 0800 44 3320

Nicaragua: 001 800 226 0230

Norway: 800 11084

Oman: 800 74 455

Pakistan Karachi – Toll 00 800 90971003

Panama: 00 800 052 1214

Paraguay: 009 800 441 0010

Peru: 0800 52184

Philippines: 1 800 1601 0028

Poland: 00 800 4411205

Portugal: 800 844094

Puerto Rico: 1 800 236 2427

Qatar: 0080097114

Russia: 810 800 6277 4680

Russia Moscow: Toll-free 007 495 5809497

Saudi Arabia: 800 8971437

Singapore: 800 6011378

South Africa: 0800 991483

South Korea: 00 798 601 8298

Spain: 900 994422

St. Kitts & Nevis: 1 800 228 9290

St. Lucia: 1 800 228 9290

Sweden: 020 795122

Switzerland: 0800 550122

Syria Country Code 0801 + AT&T 8004326626

Taiwan: 00801 863 141

Thailand: 1 800 060888

Trinidad & Tobago: 1 800 956 5620

Turkey: 00800 138380903

Turks & Caicos: 800 228 9290

United Arab Emirates: 80062774688

United Kingdom: 00800 1927 1927

London – Toll 353 21 421 6400

United States of America: 1 888 236 2427

Uruguay: 000 4052 10013

Venezuela: 0800 100 4921

Virgin Islands, US: 1 800 228 9290

Yemen Country Code 00800101; + AT&T 8004326626

More Information:

Marriott 1-800 Phone Number @ – 2020

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